We all want the same thing! by NOMATHAMSANQA BOTHA

We all want the same thing!

We search high and low

Far and near for something we don’t know…

      Is it tangible? Is it invisible can it only be felt and not seen with the naked eye? We don’t know but we keep searching…

We all want the same unknown…

Some work for it while others wait in the corners to take it so abruptly from them…

But the question is can it be labored to be obtained or is it granted for free from a supreme being?

Then those who work for it cannot truly find satisfaction with it, it ends up void… Or shall I say a blessing that has gone stale!

We all want the same thing

Some call it purpose, some call it success…

Some say they will know it when they get it…

Those who “think” they have it suddenly want to “play” God!

No, thank you…

A cycle of the blind leading the blind begins and we go around in circles…

Shouting look we are almost there!!

Unaware that we have not began our divine journey …

We all want the same something

Is it a feeling? Can it walk? Perhaps it flies or maybe it comes far from a distance unknown…traveling by bare feet.

So tell me what  are we chasing? We keep digging and building with the preconceived idea that we are immortal…

Either way we all want the same thing!!!


Something ain’t right!!!


She wore her shoes this morning and they didn’t fit…

Her lipstick was a shade too dark…

And her jeans shrunk…

Something ain’t right!

Her hands are shaking,

Her eyes are rich with tears of yesterday …overflowing In abundance as she tries to squeeze them back…She chokes!

Her legs are too weak to carry her burdened existence,

Something ain’t right!

She proclaimed,

I can’t find my sanity and now I have misplaced my dignity…at least give me my honor…please give me back my name.

As she thought out loud in silence, crowded but in a place of isolation…damn

Something ain’t right!

She stood in desolation, as she scratches her head trying to exhume the answers to these could have been, should have been and I told you so…

Hey! Something ain’t right

Give her that tender love and care cause damn…

Something ain’t right!





doorway of hopelessness_ by Nomathamsanqa Botha

I stood in the doorway of hopelessness and suddenly felt a hand redirecting my steps…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

I walked with shame as my armor then suddenly I was clothed with the armor of salvation…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When things did not go my way I felt unloved, purposeless and forgotten but suddenly I heard a voice saying I’ve got bigger and better plans for you…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When after all God did for me, my humanness came out and I sinned,

I hid my face in shame but then I heard a voice saying remember Calvary?

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When I allowed the world to define me as worthless and I took it upon myself to prove them right, but you took my hand and called me oh Royal Daughter… Right there and there I realized that I am a joint heir of the most Royal of Royal kingdoms…

Little did I know that I am blessed!!!


There’s no point in listening if you don’t want to hear a fable. Nothing really is as people make it to be, we measure ourselves with fabricated legends, and we strive to be morally correct when that itself is born of immorality. All is pure and perfect in the example’s we are led to follow by our elder’s and those of higher stature, then we ask ourselves why we are walking around with hearts full of shame and eyes full of tears. This is war because the truth is forbidden and coated with a thick blanket of fiction; we dance with the devil in hopes of being hailed as God’s perfect creatures. What a shame.

The young refuse to listen to the elders simply because their lips tell a blemish less story, while their actions reveal the truth. The poor will sell his hands for a penny, whilst the rich will sell his soul…Just so that he will walk around shouting look, look I have it all! We have lost the essence of life ,Our core is in dire need of substance ,by that I mean a more meaningful reason to wake up in the morning a bigger reason to wake up than just a piece of paper. After all the biggest fable we have been told is that money is everything, we listen to the stories of the greatest man who chased money and found it in excess, and we begin to re-run their race in hopes of acceptance, admiration, and divinity, we become beautiful vessels on the outside but empty in the inside and soon we die of insanity. There’s too much of them and just none of you, it’s a pity because it has become a norm, for the mere fact that a number of people do something it automatically makes it right. We treat the truth as our shadows. The children grow up confused and learn that if you can justify your wrongs then they become right, we run in the street corners calling them lost but we never showed them the way. They ask to drink from the river of life but we show them the route to the end of the rainbow hoping that they will make it alive…

I once met a guy who was stable in life; He had a good job, a wife and three daughters. Unfortunately he was taught how to be a provider only financially he couldn’t relate to his wife and daughters, he could not provide for them emotionally and morally. Society didn’t only let him down but it let his children and wife down. His daughters never knew how a man should treat them only that he should provide financially and his wife took her place as a trophy just waiting to be dusted off the shelf and become of value again. As much as we would like to point a finger at the perpetrator we should remember that he too is a victim of a rotten society hiding in a facet of perfection, for we believe that if what meets the eye is good then it is good for us. We forget that even the packaging of poison is not poisonous but instead the contents inside the packaging is the killer…throughout my life I was led to believe that my worth is less than that of a more physically appealing equal than me, I believed them without a doubt until I found out that the rougher the diamond the more expensive it is because it is untouched, it is at its most purest state ,therefore it can be transformed into anything the mind can imagine ,only then our thinking becomes our restriction. Our own thoughts hold us captives. We are slaves of inferior thoughts and we hide in the name of failure, we rather walk with our heads held high while becoming nothing than to have them down in shame because we tried but fell in the view of the world, with no sign of mercy in plain sight.