doorway of hopelessness_ by Nomathamsanqa Botha

I stood in the doorway of hopelessness and suddenly felt a hand redirecting my steps…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

I walked with shame as my armor then suddenly I was clothed with the armor of salvation…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When things did not go my way I felt unloved, purposeless and forgotten but suddenly I heard a voice saying I’ve got bigger and better plans for you…

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When after all God did for me, my humanness came out and I sinned,

I hid my face in shame but then I heard a voice saying remember Calvary?

Little did I know that I was blessed!

When I allowed the world to define me as worthless and I took it upon myself to prove them right, but you took my hand and called me oh Royal Daughter… Right there and there I realized that I am a joint heir of the most Royal of Royal kingdoms…

Little did I know that I am blessed!!!

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