Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tholekazi Creations: Accessory Boutique 

07.04.18 Market Theatre Lab, come get you Accessory fix on, headwraps, bags, earings, neckpieces and so much more 





Thanks to our good friends from @wordnsound. Tholekazi Creations will be having its first Pop-Up of the year.✨🌌🎊🌌🎉

Do join us this Saturday 03 February from 12pm-17pm during the #Poetry_League in Newton @ the Market Theatre Lab. We will be there with all our beautiful crafts from #tholekazicreations

Come say hello and get yourself a crown by @tholekazi_creations as well as stay for the amazing show. Can’t wait to meet you😃

What’s in store for 2018 #BlackButterfly #TholekaziCreations

With twenty eighteen finally upon us, we are glad to say we have new editions to what we do… introducing @Tholekazi_creations an accessory boutique 

as well as Tholekazi Creations events, the one stop events company specialising in kids parties, Bridal showers as well as Baby showers…

Give us as call on 0761749579 to enquire about more details 


Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world
We hope you had a joyous Christmas (if you do celebrate it) and here is to a a prosperous new year. Stay safe during these festive times and we hope to see more of you next year as we have a lot in store. 
From myself and the black butterfly team 

Libya is not for sale

​Having to post about this in 2017 is appalling, Libyans are being traded and sold for $500, a price has been placed on human lives, on people, on man and children. This is far more than evil and deserves far more than my simple post, however, I could not sit in silence as this is happening.  We need to gather together and change this, we need to speak about this and force the world to take action. Let’s raise awareness 

Photo by @kofmortivation




After 37 years in the presidential seat Robert Mugabe has resigned. History was made yesterday. Do you know of anyone who has been impected by this? Are you impected by this move?

How do you feel? What do you believe is the way forward from here? Let’s talk 





Tholekazi Creations 

Follow our sister page on Instagram @tholekazi_creations to see what else we’ve been up to, also do not forget to check us out on Facebook Black Butterfly Voices




The greatest clash of hearts,

At some point

You learn about the reason of its meet,

And the strength

Life has over it and your walks of it.


This is how it was formed;

With a simple

Gaze of innocence

An introduction of who we are exchanged,

The route of friendship was formed

The crooked and rocky part of my path

To finding who,

A lead way to conceiving a new heart

And remaining as we are

The joy of being known by who (him and i)

A clash of to paths

Hand in hand we walk along side life

Tripping on time and distance,

Tripping on time that we barely have

And tripping on the distance that parts us….

Two hard ways collide

Clicked in heart and clicked so right.

A written piece

Told an untold tale of painted souls

That later became a crossing based on a true story.

The joy of being – spoke sense

To describe the clash of us.


If you promise to remain as truthful

While walking along side me

I will let you enter my pearly gates,

A road sign

To a lifetime birth of us